Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Week 8 EOC: The Pitch & Adventure

The Pitch: Thai Lime & Chili Almonds go great with a nice Singha Lager or Tequila if you're brave! This savory bar snack has a great salty flavor to keep your customers thirsty and just enough heat to keep them munching throughout the night. They are a perfect snack for the bar because your cost stays low and the shelf life is fantastic!

The Adventure: I caught interest in this snack because at every table and in front of every filled bar stool sat a bowl of these spicy nuts. I had a very heated time trying to sneak this recipe out of the "Happy Nights" Pub in Chaing Mai because the chef there didn't like me to begin with, let alone want to share his best selling item's recipe with me, but I was motivated to get that secret formula and if that meant spending 4 hours and $200 getting belligerent drunk with the bartender, that is what I did. After a long night and about 15 drinks the bartender finally broke and I scribbled the recipe on a wrinkled napkin. Although I had gotten what I came for the chef caught a glance of me speaking with the bartender and writing on a paper. The chef dropped everything he was doing, grabbed his 12 gauge, and chased me a quarter mile down the road. Luckily I spotted the Sheik Istana hotel, hopped in the guest elevator, and finally lost the chef.